ゴーマギーゴー 5代血統表

[大系統]ノーザンダンサー系 [小系統]ヴァイスリージェント系
1代 2代 3代 4代 5代
Ghostzapper Awesome Again Deputy Minister Vice Regent Northern Dancer
Victoria Regina
Mint Copy Bunty's Flight
Primal Force Blushing Groom Red God
Runaway Bride
Prime Prospect Mr. Prospector
Square Generation
Baby Zip Relaunch In Reality Intentionally
My Dear Girl
Foggy Note The Axe
Silver Song
Thirty Zip Tri Jet Jester
Sailaway Hawaii
Quick Wit
Magibel Tale of the Cat Storm Cat Storm Bird Northern Dancer
South Ocean
Terlingua Secretariat
Crimson Saint
Yarn Mr. Prospector Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Narrate Honest Pleasure
Marquetry Road Marquetry Conquistador Cielo Mr. Prospector
K D Princess
Regent's Walk Vice Regent
Lover's Walk
Road to Heaven Kennedy Road Victoria Park
Sweet Heaven Olympia
Oil Rich



No 馬名 クロス 血量(割合)
1 Vice Regent 4S×5M 9.38%
2 Mr. Prospector 4M×5S×5M 12.5%
3 Northern Dancer 5S×5M 6.25%
