Cocoa Cowgirl 5代血統表

[大系統]ノーザンダンサー系 [小系統]ストームバード系
1代 2代 3代 4代 5代
Cowboy Cal Giant's Causeway Storm Cat Storm Bird Northern Dancer
South Ocean
Terlingua Secretariat
Crimson Saint
Mariah's Storm Rahy Blushing Groom
Glorious Song
イメンス Roberto
Texas Tammy Seeking the Gold Mr. Prospector Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Con Game Buckpasser
Hot Novel Mari's Book Northern Dancer
Mari Her
Quite Honestly Believe It
Hot Cocoa Smoke Glacken Two Punch Mr. Prospector Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Heavenly Cause Grey Dawn
Lady Dulcinea
Majesty's Crown Magesterial Northern Dancer
Courting Days
Queen's Crown King Emperor
Turn Capp
Cappucino Queen Java Gold Key to the Mint Graustark
Key Bridge
Javamine Nijinsky
Dusky Evening
Nijinsky's Lover Nijinsky Northern Dancer
Flaming Page
Luv Luvin' Raise a Native
Ringing Bells



No 馬名 クロス 血量(割合)
1 Mr. Prospector 4S×4M 12.5%
2 Nijinsky 4M×5M 9.38%
3 Northern Dancer 5S×5S×5M×5M 12.5%
4 Raise a Native 5S×5M×5M 9.38%
