マンダリンスター 5代血統表

[大系統]ノーザンダンサー系 [小系統]ストームバード系
1代 2代 3代 4代 5代
Personal Hope Storm Bird Northern Dancer Nearctic Nearco
Lady Angela
Natalma Native Dancer
South Ocean New Providence Bull Page
Fair Colleen
Shining Sun Chop Chop
Solar Display
オールザイヤーズ Alydar Raise a Native Native Dancer
Raise You
Sweet Tooth On-And-On
Plum Cake
Thirty Years Bold Hour Bold Ruler
Seven Thirty
Battle of Roses Yorktown
Rare Perfume
Twofold Timeless Moment Damascus Sword Dancer Sunglow
Highland Fling
Kerala My Babu
Blade of Time
Hour of Parting Native Dancer Polynesian
Sweet Sorrow Count Fleet
Double Value Double Jay Balladier Black Toney
Blue Warbler
Broomshot Whisk Broom
Centre Shot
Trying Endeavour British Empire
Seaton Pippin Johnstown
One Hour



No 馬名 クロス 血量(割合)
1 Native Dancer 4M×5S×5S 12.5%
