グランジョリー 5代血統表

[大系統]ネイティヴダンサー系 [小系統]レイズアネイティブ系
1代 2代 3代 4代 5代
カコイーシーズ Alydar Raise a Native Native Dancer Polynesian
Raise You Case Ace
Lady Glory
Sweet Tooth On-And-On Nasrullah
Two Lea
Plum Cake Ponder
Real Delight
Careless Notion Jester Tom Fool Menow
Golden Apple Eight Thirty
Thorn Apple
Miss Uppity Nasrullah Nearco
Mumtaz Begum
Nursery School Count Gallahad
バイワンゲットワンフリー Northern Baby Northern Dancer Nearctic Nearco
Lady Angela
Natalma Native Dancer
Two Rings Round Table Princequillo
Knight's Daughter
Allofthem Bagdad
Gal I Love
Deal Price Relaunch In Reality Intentionally
My Dear Girl
Foggy Note The Axe
Silver Song
Bride of Luck Lucky Debonair Vertex
Fresh as Fresh
Bride of Note Royal Note
Bengal Bride



No 馬名 クロス 血量(割合)
1 Native Dancer 4S×5M 9.38%
2 Nasrullah 4S×5S 9.38%
3 Nearco 5S×5M 6.25%
