トーホウカレン 5代血統表

[大系統]マッチェム系 [小系統]マッチェム系
1代 2代 3代 4代 5代
Tiznow Cee's Tizzy Relaunch In Reality Intentionally
My Dear Girl
Foggy Note The Axe
Silver Song
テイズリー Lyphard Northern Dancer
Tizna Trevieres
Cee's Song Seattle Song Seattle Slew Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
Incantation Prince Blessed
Magic Spell
Lonely Dancer ナイスダンサー Northern Dancer
Nice Princess
Sleep Lonely Pia Star
Dreamy Maiden Meadowlake Hold Your Peace Speak John Prince John
Nuit de Folies
Blue Moon Eight Thirty
Blue Grail
Suspicious Native Raise a Native Native Dancer
Raise You
Be Suspicious Porterhouse
Sparrow Lake Apalachee Round Table Princequillo
Knight's Daughter
Moccasin Nantallah
Rough Shod
Stray Flight ヴァイスリーガル Northern Dancer
Victoria Regina
Barn Swallow Mongo
Chimney Swallow



No 馬名 クロス 血量(割合)
1 Northern Dancer 5S×5S×5M 9.38%
