ステパノス 5代血統表

[大系統]ノーザンダンサー系 [小系統]ストームバード系
1代 2代 3代 4代 5代
フィガロ Future Storm Storm Cat Storm Bird Northern Dancer
South Ocean
Terlingua Secretariat
Crimson Saint
Sea Sands Sea-Bird Dan Cupid
Slapton Sands First Landing
Karamea Air Forbes Won Bold Forbes Irish Castle
Comely Nell
Bronze Point Tobin Bronze
Summer Point
Timely Table Around Two Turns Round Table
Highland Fling
Timely Tammy Tim Tam
Home by Dark
アンテリージェ カコイーシーズ Alydar Raise a Native Native Dancer
Raise You
Sweet Tooth On-And-On
Plum Cake
Careless Notion Jester Tom Fool
Golden Apple
Miss Uppity Nasrullah
Nursery School
パンドラスボックス Vaguely Noble ヴィエナ Aureole
Turkish Blood
Noble Lassie Nearco
Belle Sauvage
Lake of the Isles In Reality Intentionally
My Dear Girl
Allert Miss Your Host

