デザートチャーム 5代血統表

[大系統]ネイティヴダンサー系 [小系統]キングマンボ系
1代 2代 3代 4代 5代
Dubai Destination Kingmambo Mr. Prospector Raise a Native Native Dancer
Raise You
Gold Digger Nashua
Miesque Nureyev Northern Dancer
Pasadoble Prove Out
Santa Quilla
Mysterial Alleged Hoist the Flag Tom Rolfe
Wavy Navy
Princess Pout Prince John
Determined Lady
Mysteries Seattle Slew Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
Phydilla Lyphard
ヴィエールソンリ Cryptoclearance Fappiano Mr. Prospector Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Killaloe Dr. Fager
Grand Splendor
Naval Orange Hoist the Flag Tom Rolfe
Wavy Navy
Mock Orange Dedicate
Chesa Plana Niniski Nijinsky Northern Dancer
Flaming Page
Virginia Hills Tom Rolfe
Ridin' Easy
Top of The League High Top Derring-Do
Home and Away Home Guard
Garden of Eden



No 馬名 クロス 血量(割合)
1 Mr. Prospector 3S×4M 18.75%
2 Hoist the Flag 4S×4M 12.5%
3 Northern Dancer 5S×5M 6.25%
4 Tom Rolfe 5S×5M×5M 9.38%
