ラグランドセーヌ 5代血統表

[大系統]マイナー系 [小系統]ニアークティック系
1代 2代 3代 4代 5代
ワイルドラッシュ Wild Again Icecapade Nearctic Nearco
Lady Angela
Shenanigans Native Dancer
Bold Irish
Bushel-n-Peck Khaled Hyperion
Dama Dante
Rose Park Plugged Nickle Key to the Mint Graustark
Key Bridge
Toll Booth Buckpasser
Missy Baba
Hardship Drone Sir Gaylord
Cap and Bells
Hard and Fast Etonian
We Try Harder
タイムトゥダンス Nijinsky Northern Dancer Nearctic Nearco
Lady Angela
Natalma Native Dancer
Flaming Page Bull Page Bull Lea
Our Page
Flaring Top Menow
Flaming Top
Moment to Buy Timeless Moment Damascus Sword Dancer
Hour of Parting Native Dancer
Sweet Sorrow
Had to Buy Sadair Petare
Blue Missy
Had Gadya Reneged
Jolie Deja



No 馬名 クロス 血量(割合)
1 Nearctic 4S×4M 12.5%
2 Native Dancer 5S×5M×5M 9.38%
