テーオーレイチェル 5代血統表

[大系統]ネイティヴダンサー系 [小系統]キングマンボ系
1代 2代 3代 4代 5代
キングカメハメハ Kingmambo Mr. Prospector Raise a Native Native Dancer
Raise You
Gold Digger Nashua
Miesque Nureyev Northern Dancer
Pasadoble Prove Out
Santa Quilla
マンファス ラストタイクーン トライマイベスト Northern Dancer
Sex Appeal
Mill Princess Mill Reef
Irish Lass
Pilot Bird Blakeney Hethersett
Windmill Girl
The Dancer Green Dancer
ナイキフェイバー Favorite Trick Phone Trick Clever Trick Icecapade
Kankakee Miss
Over the Phone Finnegan
Evil Elaine Medieval Man Noholme
Peaceful Sky
Distinctive Elaine Distinctive
Jackie Dare
Sixy Chic Saratoga Six Alydar Raise a Native
Sweet Tooth
Priceless Fame Irish Castle
Comely Nell
Millie and Me Wise Exchange Promised Land
Coastal Trade
Controlled Landing First Landing
Self Control



No 馬名 クロス 血量(割合)
1 Raise a Native 4S×5M 9.38%
2 Northern Dancer 5S×5S 6.25%
