エスシーヴィオラ 5代血統表

[大系統]ナスルーラ系 [小系統]エーピーインディ系
1代 2代 3代 4代 5代
カジノドライヴ Mineshaft A.P. Indy Seattle Slew Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
Weekend Surprise Secretariat
Lassie Dear
Prospectors Delite Mr. Prospector Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Up the Flagpole Hoist the Flag
The Garden Club
Better Than Honour Deputy Minister Vice Regent Northern Dancer
Victoria Regina
Mint Copy Bunty's Flight
Blush With Pride Blushing Groom Red God
Runaway Bride
Best in Show Traffic Judge
Stolen Hour
リアライズカレボ Fusaichi Pegasus Mr. Prospector Raise a Native Native Dancer
Raise You
Gold Digger Nashua
Angel Fever Danzig Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Rowdy Angel Halo
Spree Conquistador Cielo Mr. Prospector Raise a Native
Gold Digger
K D Princess Bold Commander
Itstimetocelebrate Timeless Native Timeless Moment
Head Off
Princess Carrie Lightning Orphan
Pin Deck



No 馬名 クロス 血量(割合)
1 Mr. Prospector 3M×4S×4M 25.0%
2 Northern Dancer 5S×5M 6.25%
