デルマサクラサク 5代血統表

[大系統]ノーザンダンサー系 [小系統]ヴァイスリージェント系
1代 2代 3代 4代 5代
マインドユアビスケッツ Posse Silver Deputy Deputy Minister Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Silver Valley Mr. Prospector
Seven Valleys
Raska Rahy Blushing Groom
Glorious Song
Borishka Roberto
Queen Maud
Jazzmane Toccet Awesome Again Deputy Minister
Primal Force
Cozzene's Angel Cozzene
Charming Pan
Alljazz Stop the Music Hail to Reason
Bounteous Master Derby
Mlle. Quille
ザッハーマイン Mineshaft A.P. Indy Seattle Slew Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
Weekend Surprise Secretariat
Lassie Dear
Prospectors Delite Mr. Prospector Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Up the Flagpole Hoist the Flag
The Garden Club
Pulsatilla Gone West Mr. Prospector Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Secrettame Secretariat
Peggibonsi Proud Truth Graustark
Wake Robin
Far Beyond Nijinsky



No 馬名 クロス 血量(割合)
1 Deputy Minister 4S×5S 9.38%
2 Mr. Prospector 4M×4M×5S 15.63%
3 Secretariat 5M×5M 6.25%
